Sunday 12 January 2014

And so it starts

And so it starts

This blog is an attempt to try and soften or even lose the boundaries of who I am and what I expect and think I can be. I want to love more, live more, expand and stretch who and what I might be. My goal is to try to see others, be less introspective and more extrospective (that might not be a word but you know what I mean).

The idea comes on the heels of improvements in my life which started last April or May. Back then I had just emerged from a long-term relationship which had eroded nearly everything I had spent my life building or standing on and my first attempts at recovering were based on trying to open my mind to new ideas and people, to try new things, to try not to restrict who I would next become by wearing the small coat of what I had once been.

I figured that being devastated by the end of a love affair was an opportunity to go back to scratch and try rebuilding someone I could be proud of. And the more I reached out, the happier I became. In six or seven months I made more friends than I'd managed to make in the previous decade, I'd always enjoyed my job but I started loving it, I felt as if anything was possible. All this, I realised in the week between Christmas and New Year, could be just a start. My colleagues at work had called it my ‘year of saying yes’ but it was never about just a year and it was never about just saying yes – I want to live the rest of my life in hope, in love, in faith and in confidence. Wherever possible I am going to not let fear or any of its attendants - small mindedness, bitterness, anger – dictate the direction life will take.

This blog then is an attempt to write down the attempts, the failures, the successes as I try to be open minded, to try and see people and life as if everyone and everything is beautiful or holds the possibility of beauty within it, to be brave  and see what happens. Welcome to my naked soul blog. 

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